the team behind medrepo

more about medrepo
Helping people. With this in mind, Volker Rudolph launched his idea for an app in 2020 while the Corona pandemic was spreading. Various considerations led to the goal of simplifying the exchange of health data between doctors and patients. Data that helps people and benefits the general public.
With the help of his brother Burkhard - a gastroenterologist - Volker expanded his project. The idea was to create a platform for patients with chronic diseases to exchange information. Because the experience of an illness can only really be shared with those affected. And because the values of humanity, anonymity and community have top priority, the initial idea developed very carefully. A framework is created for those affected to exchange information anonymously, to help and support each other. At the same time, controlled and anonymous data can be made available to science. In this way, further help for patients can be developed.
Unlike many other platforms, the exchange in the patient groups takes place under the care of physicians. They connect those affected, form groups and moderate their communication.
With the goal of simplifying workflows in medical practices and bringing information together in one app, another idea has emerged. Doctors should not only be able to moderate patient groups with the app, but also have their own area for the practice. Errors in medical practices are to be minimized and communication supported.
Since then, medrepo continues to grow and develop with a small team. Our values, humanity, anonymity and mutual responsibility for each other continue to guide us.